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Paul Castellano

Guitar, Vocals

Jeff Todd

Bass, Vocals



Jay Paget

Drums, Vocals, Banjo



Andy Crowe

Guitar, Vocals




Our music is a blend of roots folk, country and blues. We’ve been playing together since  2015 or for over 1,500 days. Damn, if only we had practiced every day, we’d be tighter than a one-eyed cricket.


The name Louder Than Milk came from messing with John Loudermilk. He  is a songwriter and had a few hits in the 60’s and 70’s one being Tobacco Road that charted with an English band named the Nashville Teens. He also wrote Indian Reservation made famous by Paul Revere and the Raiders. We were working on his song Abeline and whether through fatigue or divine inspiration (or a twisted combination), the name stuck. About a year later after we played Roslindale Porchfest in 2016, sadly John Loudermilk passed away. 


There are three songwriters in the band, Jeff, Jay and Andy. Each of our songs go through the churn of ‘what about?’ and ‘what if?’ and happy accidents until we have something that cooks up nice.








© 2016-2023

Louder Than Milk

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